Mobile Application Maintenance
Ishan Gupta
Ishan Gupta

Why Does Your Mobile Application Requires Maintenance?

Your newly developed app is live on the app store, you have got an overwhelming response and then you just watch the number of downloads go down.

NO, an app doesn’t operate on the “set and forget” principle.
Like a vehicle, an app needs constant care and upkeep in order to meet user’s expectations.

All top mobile application development companies provide Annual Maintenance Contract with some additional charges on the project cost which is  beneficial in terms of continuous maintenance of the application

Necessity Of App Maintenance:

Monitoring crash analytics: You will need app analytic tools to monitor the usage pattern that will help you improve the in-app experience.

Modification: Users like to follow a trend, modify the application source code according to current/upcoming trends.

Platform Migration: To make the working of legacy system seamless across the various platform.

Operating system: Apps need to be updated according to the iOS and Android updates so that they are compatible with newer versions.

Efficiency: For improved and better efficiency of business operations.

Security bugs: Apps may be affected by security holes, you will have to update the app in order to fix the vulnerabilities.

How to Maintain Mobile App?

Maintenance is categorized into three main types:-

Corrective maintenance: Involves diagnosis and fixing of any error in the app after general discovery.

Adaptive maintenance: Modifying the system to work with changing software environments.

Perfective maintenance: Contains some functional enhancements of the application required in times which are based on the user’s requirements.

In the App Maintenance, Few Actions Play a Major Role:

Have a plan for the further updates: It is better to have some pre-planned features for further updates which could be made a special feature for an app, instead of providing full features once.

Retain users: You can provide beta versions of the app. If users first get to try the new version, they’ll be happy and give their feedback and accordingly, you can update.

Must improve the features for a long time: There is no problem if you make money from In-App purchases, but if you’re adding a new feature, you need to update it timely and always consider user’s feedback.


It is crystal clear that app maintenance is extremely imperative if you want to rule the app world. The users also need to keep engaged and it needs to be ensured that they don’t uninstall the app due to technical problems or any other issue, which can be sorted out through maintenance.
Lastly, providing an updated and latest version of the app should always be your priority and that can only be achieved if your app is up to date and maintained on a regular basis.

If you are also looking for a Maintenance Partner for your existing Mobile App, we would be pleased to interact with you here at RipenApps, since we have the right expertise to prepare your app for next level.

You shall contact us on: [email protected]

Connect with us to discuss your Project.

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Ishan Gupta

Ishan Gupta

CEO & Founder

With a strong belief that inclusion of mobile technology and digitalisation of processes for any individual or a business will help them to ease their life so that they can be more focused on their Core Business functions, with this intent and an experience of 6+ years our service ranges from consultancy to build next-generation mobile applications for Entrepreneurs/Startups to Enterprise Businesses. Our goal is to provide optimum quality services to our clients at the best reasonable price in the market.

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