Vaibhav Sharma
Vaibhav Sharma

One Solution, Many Devices: The Benefits Of Developing A Cross-Platform Mobile App

Over 3.5 billion smartphone users access an average of 40 apps per month. With such high demands for mobile apps, entrepreneurs are constantly seeking ways to effectively reach and engage users across platforms. They want a solution that can help them reduce the turnaround time to market, allow them to give faster app updates, and unlock wider business opportunities.

What if we tell you there is a way to streamline the development process, allowing you to save time and resources, unlock business opportunities, and reach a diverse audience (Android, iOS)? It is a cross-platform mobile app development.

As Steve Jobs said, “You have got to start with the customer experience and work towards the technology, not the other way around.” The quote perfectly fits cross-platform mobile app development since it offers what the customer experience wants instead of what technology wants.

In case you want a briefing about cross-platform mobile apps, let us lay it down for you before heading to the core cross-platform app benefits section.

A cross-platform mobile app allows your app to be run on multiple platforms (Android, iOS) without the requirement of building it for specific platforms natively. This unlocks a range of benefits for businesses. Let’s uncover these benefits.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Benefits For Businesses

From cost effectiveness, better reach, unlocked business opportunities, and accessibility to flexibility and scaling, the list of cross-platform mobile app benefits stays long. Here are the key benefits in detail.


Cost-Effective Solution With Top-Notch Quality

In a market where cost-effective solutions with the highest quality sell faster, there is a high demand for app development technology that can offer the same. Cross-platform mobile app development offers a highly cost-effective solution to businesses looking to generate a maximum return on investment. Ok, let us see an example to gain the concept.

In traditional app development, separate teams worked on each platform. If there is a requirement for Android app development, there would be a separate Android app development team that focuses on the Android project. And vice versa for iOS. These separate teams had higher costs and took more time and resources.

With cross-platform development, the development team just has to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms. Nearly 70% of the code remains the same across the platforms which highly reduces the time, resources, and prices of the development team. On average, businesses can save up to 60-70% of mobile app development costs by opting for cross-platform app development.

Better Audience Reach and Accessibility

If you analyze the mobile app stores and market, the number of downloads shows the user base of an app. When you go with a cross-platform mobile app, you can significantly expand the reach and accessibility of mobile apps affecting your overall download numbers. This also provides businesses with an opportunity to connect with a broader audience. In a nutshell:

  • Through cross-platform app development, businesses can target multiple platforms, ensuring no audience stays untapped.
  • By targeting multiple platforms at a time, your business directly unlocks a broader target audience on both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Whether a user accesses your app on an iPhone or Android, you can target delivering the same user experience and providing a seamless experience.

Unlocks Business Opportunities from Diverse Platforms

Through cross-platform mobile app development, you not only expand reach but also unlock unique business opportunities that might be hidden on one of the platforms. For example, if your target market is a massive user base in Asia and you opt for building an iOS app, then your business opportunities will stay hidden in Android app development.

However, with cross-platform app development, you can deploy your app for both platforms without any added turn-around time, investments, or resources, unlocking a larger user base and wider business opportunities.

Flexible Maintenance Across Platforms

Maintaining consistency across platforms is highly essential for ensuring the success of a mobile app. With consistency there is a requirement of flexibility in maintaining the app in terms of updates, bug fixes, and the introduction of new features.

Due to the single-codebase benefit of cross-platform app development, updating the application becomes flexible for businesses. To give you a clearer view, a cross-platform mobile app ensures:

  • Managing, updating, and addressing bugs is simpler, allowing developers to make the desired changes to multiple platforms without dedicatedly working for each platform.
  • Uniform user experience since whatever changes are made to one platform are seamlessly visible on the other platforms as well without any dedicated time required for development.

Ensures Seamless Scalability and Sustainability

As your business grows, your app requires scaling too. And, if you go for native app development, the turn-around time to the market significantly increases. With cross-platform development, you can reduce time frames by as much as 30%. Whether it is about adapting your mobile app to new devices and platforms or introducing advanced features like AI and AR, cross-platform is your way to go.

Talking about the support, all the third-party integrations are flawlessly introducing their support for cross-platform frameworks. You can seamlessly ensure that your app continuously evolves and grows alongside your business.

Success Stories of Tech Giants Who Opted for Cross-Platform App Development

You are now well-informed about the benefits of cross-platform app development; it is time for us to explore some well-known cross-platform apps that have registered success by opting for cross-platform development. Here are some of the leading examples.



The world’s leading music streaming platform, Spotify, has expanded its reach by utilizing cross-platform app development. It shifted from Swift/Kotlin to React Native, achieving a cross-platform nature, and by using it, they have also unlocked improved app performance and user satisfaction. To be specific, the app witnessed nearly a 50% increase in active users across Android and iOS.

Meta (previously Facebook)

The largest social media platform from Meta was once known for using a lot of memory and running slow on mobile devices. But when they built React Native, a cross-platform technology, they were able to overcome the challenges they were facing. Today, Meta uses React Native on Instagram, Whats App, and Facebook delivering them positive user feedback across the app store and Play Store.


A premier professional networking platform, LinkedIn leverages cross-platform technology to improve its mobile app experience and cater to the diverse needs of its audience. By adopting Xamarin, LinkedIn achieved a 60% increase in app downloads and a 45% boost in user engagement within the first 6 months of launching their cross-platform app. This also allows the company to release features and updates faster to the users.

Want To Build A Flawless And Seamlessly Performing Cross-Platform Mobile App?

If you have finally planned to go with cross-platform app development for your mobile app idea after reading the robust benefits it offers, we would love to help you. When you work with RipenApps Technologies, a leading cross-platform app development company, you unlock:

  • Seamless performing app across diverse platforms
  • Wider business reach unlocking  more business opportunities
  • Competitive cross-app development pricing in the market
  • Faster time to market with an agile development approach

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Vaibhav Sharma

Vaibhav Sharma

Business Head

Vaibhav Sharma is the Business Head of RipenApps, the fastest-growing mobile app development company. Holding expertise in creating a user experience, he has a firm grip on product strategizing that gives clients a clear roadmap of their product development lifecycle.

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