A healthy mind & a relaxed life is everyone’s right. Think about an experience that makes you feel good. It could be completing a project at work, eating a warm chocolate chip cookie, achieving success in your love life, and could be many more. But it has been noted that most of us feel broken when we cannot achieve or get failures in several areas and then puff of a cigarette, taking a swig of whiskey to become our source of happiness & relaxation. But we forget that while giving relaxation, these things are destroying us day by day.
Modern tech-era is a blessing to all, where we don’t need to surf for any friend to share our sorrow but we have tech-hands in terms of healthcare mobile apps & social networking sites to eliminate our addiction to hazardous things.
Here we have a tech-friend for you- In The Room. It is a recovery assistance app
Let’s dive into “In The Room” and know what this app has more on the list for you.
In The Rooms App: A Digital Meeting App for the Addiction Recovery Community
The Room is a modern & smart-mind approach to all those who are struggling with any kind of addiction in their life whether it is the addiction of drug, alcohol, or behavioural addiction. It is a digital room that assures that you will get rid of any addiction and leaves no room for doubt. Being free, this digital marketing website/ social network for the addiction recovery community comes with over 600,000 members provide you a virtual space to connect with others in recovery around the globe.
Apps offer assistance for those in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction as well as behavioral addictions such as love, & relationships, sex & gambling. Get recovery at your Fingertips with In The Rooms via just virtual meetings, blogs, guides, and social talking therapy.
What Makes “In The Room” Different?
Beautifully designed mobile app “In The Room” is excited to share a vision: to help better lives and improve your chance for recovery by starting a community for those struggling from drug addiction, alcoholism, and any other behavioral addiction. Below mentioned are the features of this wonderful personal addiction recovery assistant app:
Magnificently Designed Interface:
App gives a fresh and mesmerizing layout that brings every feature of “In The Room” smoothly to operate.
Virtual Meetings:
App provides 130 live meetings (AA, NA & other Fellowships) where you can take part per week and be articulate & supplement your in-person recovery meetings. In meetings- all you need to turn your camera on & communicate with the group, or can just observe and need to mark the attendance for the verification of your presence.
Brilliantly Designed In-Person Meeting Finder
Find face-to-face meetings in your geographic area and turn your communication smooth.
Interactive Newsfeeds & Chats
Via Newsfeeds & chats, one can start the conversation, post an update in the status feed, create a discussion in your fellowship, or chat one-on-one with a friend. All can be done at the same place and this makes this app an outstanding platform to connect, communicate & Curate.
Blogs & Recovery Guides to Assist You.
Latest & meaningful blogs 7 guides are here to assist you in your way of recovery. Check out our selection of the latest recovery news, perspectives and recommendations, or explore our guides for those just getting started in recovery.
Privacy is at its Utmost
Connect with peers anonymously 24/7. Get help anytime via text/call/video chat. Volunteer to help other users. Keep a private journal, find meetings nearby, explore a community Q&A, and more!
RipenApps is Behind this Exquisite Creation Named “In The Rooms”
A clean UI UX enriched mobile app- In The Room, designed for everyone from the everyday person to business professionals, teachers, military officials, celebrities, to public figures is efficiently catering addiction recovery happiness in everyone’s lives.
RipenApps has added another successful feather in its cap by developing this extremely useful mobile application. Our Talented team of developers, designers, business analysts have marked this App a huge success and also feel contented on becoming a development partner of this most amazing mobile app “ITR”.
In The Room is available on both Google Playstore & App Store, and you can explore the beautiful and eye-captivating UI & UX at our social platforms like Behance & Dribbble.