React Native 0.60
Prankur Haldiya
Prankur Haldiya

React Native Come Up With New Features & Breaking Changes with Its New Version 0.60

Wait has ended, finally following quite a while of diligent work from many contributors, the React Native Core group is gladly announced the release of its version 0.60. This new release- “React Native 0.60” version handles significant migrations for both Android and iOS app development platforms, and various issues that the most of you already suspected when 0.50 released with React native went in first quarter of this year are settled as well.

Users are exceedingly eager to see each feature this new version brings to the table. Before discussing its most recent features, let us give you a concise thought in regards to this Framework.

Backed by Facebook, React Native, the open-source framework is usually unique in relation to its fundamental React version. Its functions are dynamic out of sight that characterizes the JavaScript written by the developers.

React Native 0.60 accompanies such huge numbers of improvements; however this blog post covers the features of this release.

Accessibility Came Under Great Focus

The React Native 0.60 release delivers numerous enhancements for the accessibility APIs front for the two iOS and Android. The list of enhancements while wide, involved elements like announceForAccessibility, and advancement in action support, roles, flags and more. The React Native group is cheerful that with these progressions it will be simpler to be an A11Y (a numeronym for Accessibility).

A Fresh Start Screen

With the new launch of React Native 0.60, comes the new app screen. It is professed to be more easy to understand, as it demonstrates helpful instructions like editing App.js, Documents links, how to begin the debug menu, and finally how to line up with the coming website redesign. The new UI “Hello world” will acquaint the clients with the ecosystem in a superior manner.

Movement to Android X

With the movement of React Native with the AndroidX (Android Extension Library), native codes and dependencies will likewise should be migrated. Because of this move, the majority of the React Native apps should utilize AndroidX themselves. In any case, the React Native team has built up a brief answer for this issue. It is classified “Jetifier”, which is an AndroidX transition tool with a style good with React Native.

Lean Core Removals

For carrying the React Native respository to a great condition, the group started the Lean Core Project. What’s more, as a piece of the particular project, they have evacuated NetInfo and WebView into individual repositories.

With the all-new React Native 0.60, the tea, has finished their migration out of the React Native repository. Depending upon the community reviews in regards to the new App Store rules, Geolocation has likewise been expelled.

CocoaPods naturally for iOS

Presently, React Native for iOS has come up with CocoaPods by default, which is an app-level reliance chief for Objective-C and Swift Cocoa projects. Starting now and into the near future, developers are encouraged to open the iOS platform code with the use of the xcworkspace file.

Likewise, the details of Pod for the internal packages have been upgraded for making them perfect with the Xcode projects that will help with debugging just as troubleshooting.

Native Modules are Autolinked Now

The team performing on the React Native CLI has launched essential enhancements to native module linking named ‘Autolinking’. In greatest conditions, there is no need to use the react native link any more.

All the while, the team updated the linking procedure as a rule. Make sure react native unlink each pre-existing dependency.

React Native has gained its immense popularity for its performance as well as speed. It is remarkable that React Native app development reduces the app development time from 40% to even 90% as well as cost too. Moreover, apps developed for Android and iOS will remain the same across both platforms and works as cross platform apps.

For the near future, we can see a mounting demand for React Native and its user-base is likely to increase as the years go by.

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Prankur Haldiya

Prankur Haldiya

Chief Technical Officer

Prankur Haldiya, Chief Technical officer at RipenApps is connoisseur who has worked with manifold clients & has given his past 6+ years in making chartbuster apps for App Store/ PlayStore. He has worked on products for the iOS/Android platform of various domains such as Social Networking, E-Commerce, Point of Sale, Business, and Entertainment and considerably more.

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